這是科技大站Engadget 上的一篇新聞
Engadget - E Ink shows off brighter, crisper, more flexible displays
It's easy to forget that E Ink is an actual company and not just a display technology, but the company was out in full force at the recent SID 2010 conference to remind folks of that fact, and show off some of its latest and greatest prototype displays. Chief among those is a new color display that promises crisper, brighter colors, though still not quite full color -- something that's apparently achieved by applying a filter on top of a regular black and white E Ink panel, which itself has blacker blacks and whiter whites than before. Also on display was a new "fully flexible" display (not color), and another black and white display that was apparently able to playback Flash video -- although E Ink curiously wasn't allowing anyone to film it in action. The folks from MIT's Technology Review did manage to capture a brief look at the rest of them on video, however -- hit up the link below for their report.
--------------( Seal 稍微翻譯一下,參考就好 )--------------
E Ink 其實不但是一種新顯示螢幕技術的代名詞,它還是一家公司的名字喔!最近在全球最大的顯示器相關國際會議SID 2010 上,E Ink 公司為我們帶來了一些新技術原型機。更清晰、更明亮的彩色電子墨水螢幕讓人驚豔,雖然目前還是沒有辦法表現出很多種顏色。至於現在常見的黑白電子墨水螢幕,則進化到可以讓你隨意的彎曲,可以應用在更多的產品上。這個新一世代的黑白電子墨水螢幕,反應速度也進步到能夠在上面撥放Flash 格式的影片囉!這表示新一代的電子產品不再會是翻頁要等個一兩秒的"純"電子書囉!
--------------( Seal 翻譯結束囉,以下是Seal 的感想 )--------------
呵呵,八月份的Amazon 新Kindle 會先偷跑採用這些新技術嗎?我們拭目以待!