MobileRead - List of Kindle 2 Screensavers
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Edgar Allen poe
Mark Twain
John Steinbeck
the one with the 17th century astronomer & his wife w/ giant sextant
the Hercules constellation
the Audubon finches-in-a-tree
Kindle definition with falling letters
Agatha Christie
Man at table with lion in foreground
Charlotte Bronte
James Joyce
Virginia Woolf
Alexandre Dumas
Jules Verne
Kindle feedback request w/ some sort of coding machine
Oscar Wilde
Woman with book
John Milton
Lewis Carroll
Medieval illumination page
"Albertus" page
Emily Dickinson
Jane Austen
Cathedral floorplan
Kindle 把電源關掉時,會隨機使用一張書的封面或是圖片來當做待機畫面
這個主意還不錯,把E-Ink 平常不吃電的優點給妥善利用囉... 美觀又大方
用Kindle 後,感覺整個人都氣質起來囉! 哈哈,自我感覺非常良好!