1. Download the two keygen programs “keygen.exe” and “Painter_IX.5_keygen.exe”
"CPEleven.sitx_Folder.zip",裡面會有“keygen.exe” 和 “Painter_IX.5_keygen.exe” 兩個註冊機
2. Download & install the Painter 11 demo from the Corel website.
台灣Corel 的官方網站下載試用版並且完成安裝
3. Launch Painter 11 demo. A “Trial Version” screen will come up, asking how you would like to proceed. Choose “Purchase”, and click “Next”.
打開Painter 11 試用版,會有個畫面問你要開始試用還是購買,點選一下購買,然後按下一步
4. On the following screen, choose “Purchase by phone”, and click “Next”.
5. The next screen gives you an Installation Code, and asks for a Serial Number and Activation Code.
6. Run both “keygen.exe” and “Painter_IX.5_keygen.exe”.
在Windows 的環境下打開剛剛下載好的兩個程式,“keygen.exe” 和 “Painter_IX.5_keygen.exe”
7. Enter the Installation Code from step 6 into both keygen programs.
8. Click “Key Code” in the keygen.exe program. The Key Code that is generated is what you need to enter for the Serial Number on the Painter authorization screen from step 5.
在keygen.exe 註冊機中按下“Key Code”按鈕,然後把產生的Serial Number 輸入到剛剛步驟五的啟用畫面的序號裡
9. Click “Authorize” in the Painter_IX.5_keygen.exe program. The Authorization Code that is generated is what you need to enter for the Activation Code on the Painter authorization screen from step 5.
在另一個 Painter_IX.5_keygen.exe 註冊機中按下“Authorize”按鈕,然後把產生的Authorization Code 輸入到剛剛步驟五的啟用畫面的啟用號碼裡
10. Click “Next” on the Painter authorization screen, and you should get a screen saying that product activation was successful, then follow the on-screen instructions and you should be up and running.
然後您的Painter 11 for Mac 就可以順利啟用啦!裝完別忘了更新一下呀!