
Apple 的證照相關資訊

Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) 10.6
Mac OS X Support Essentials 10.6 Exam (9L0-403)

Apple Certified Technical Coordinator (ACTC) 10.6
ACTC 10.6 Recertification Exam (9L0-511)

Mac OS X Server Essentials 10.6 Exam (9L0-510)

Apple Certified Specialist - Directory Services 10.6*
ACTC 10.6 certification + Mac OS X Directory Services 10.6 Exam* (9L0-624)

Apple Certified Specialist - Deployment 10.6
ACTC 10.6 certification + Mac OS X Deployment 10.6 Exam (9L0-623)

Apple Certified Specialist - Security and Mobility 10.6
ACTC 10.6 certification + Mac OS X Security and Mobility 10.6 Exam (9L0-625)

Apple Certified System Administrator (ACSA 10.6)
ACSA 10.6 Recertification Exam (9L0-626)

Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) 10.5
Mac OS X Support Essentials 10.5 Exam (9L0-402)

相關資料來源 Apple - Mac OS X Certifications

Gizmodo 最屌的新聞!Apple 的下一隻iPhone (iPhone 4G?)

原文出自於此 Gizmodo - This Is Apple's Next iPhone
Seal 稍微的翻譯了一下

You are looking at Apple's next iPhone. It was found lost in a bar in Redwood City, camouflaged to look like an iPhone 3GS. We got it. We disassembled it. It's the real thing, and here are all the details.
您現在看到的是Apple 即將要推出的新iPhone。這隻手機不知道是誰掉在美國 Redwood City 的酒吧,被找到的當下還偽裝成iPhone 3GS 的樣子來掩人耳目。很榮幸的我們Gizmodo 得到了這隻手機!我們還分解了這隻手機,證明這是真品!以下是更詳細的資料!

While Apple may tinker with the final packaging and design of the final phone, it's clear that the features in this lost-and-found next-generation iPhone are drastically new and drastically different from what came before. Here's the detailed list of our findings:
當Apple可能還在設計與修正與最終市售版本iPhone 時,我們可以明顯的看出這隻丟失的新一代iPhone 多了哪些新玩意!接下來就是我們的新發現:

What's new

• Front-facing video chat camera
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS)
更棒的照相機(鏡頭十分的明顯比iPhone 3Gs 大了許多)
• Camera flash
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad)
跟iPad 一樣採用了新的Micro-SIM 卡,也就是說不是一般的SIM卡喔!
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x460 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS.
更美的螢幕,雖然還不知道是不是之前傳聞的960x460 解析度,但是這隻手機上所顯示的"請連接到iTunes" 圖示解析度已經比3GS 還要漂亮的多了!
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack
• Split buttons for volume
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic

What's changed

• The back is entirely flat, made of either glass (more likely) or ceramic or shiny plastic in order for the cell signal to poke through. Tapping on the back makes a more hollow and higher pitched sound compared to tapping on the glass on the front/screen, but that could just be the orientation of components inside making for a different sound
手機的背面完全是平的,為了取得更好的收訊,使用了應該是玻璃、陶瓷或者是其他的塑膠材料。 拍打這個背板,感覺是空心的,與正面的玻璃觸控面板感覺完全不同,應該是裡面零件的關係
• An aluminum border going completely around the outside
• Slightly smaller screen than the 3GS (but seemingly higher resolution)
新的液晶螢幕似乎比3GS 小了點,但是解析度確更高
• Everything is more squared off
• 3 grams heavier
比3GS 重了三克
• 16% Larger battery
電池比3GS 足足大了16%
• Internals components are shrunken, miniaturized and reduced to make room for the larger battery

剩下的Seal 就不翻啦,有興趣的話回Gizmodo 看吧!
大概就講說這隻手機怎麼來呀、Apple 有多想拿回去、還有一些其他證明這是實機的佐證啦!
看到這邊,真的應該假不了囉! Apple 裡面應該有人會丟工作吧!願老天保佑!


考古題必備的 Visual CertExam Suite 1.9.987 的破解方法

好用的Visual CertExam Suite 是用來打開.vce 考題的好軟體
如果有常上examcollection 去找IT 考試的考古題的話,應該對這套軟體不會陌生

首先先下載最新版的Visual CertExam Suite 1.9.987

按Win + R 來開啟程式,在裡面輸入regedit 來打開登錄編輯程式
然後找到路徑 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Visual CertExam Suite





然後就完成破解啦!好好享受完整版的Visual CertExam Suite 吧!

(06/13 新增一組SN:1290761854,圖裡就有了,不曉得為啥沒人發現)


HP Mini 311 接上羅技的滑鼠接受器會開不了機?unifying dongle

當HP Mini 311 接上羅技的滑鼠接受器之後,冷開機會卡在開機的Logo 畫面
這時候怎麼辦呢? 更新到HP 最新的BIOS 就解決囉!簡單吧?

應該是HP 的Bios 把USB 開機的東東寫死了,造成插上接受器後誤判而卡住
新版本的Bios 有把這個問題修正囉,快去更新吧!


Windows 7、Windows Vista 用Emule 驢子發生找不到伺服器怎麼辦? server.met

最近在整理Seal 使用Win 7 的電腦
突然發現Windows 7 裡裝的Emule 電驢沒有辦法找到伺服器
上網路爬了一下,發現原來Windows 7 跟Windows Vista 的設定資料夾
跟Windows XP 預設的不同,XP 的是直接在驢子自己的資料夾裡面



使用者名稱就是你登入的名字啦,像Seal 就一定是Seal
很簡單吧... Emule 裡面似乎還有一個設定,可以讓Emule 去讀原本的config 資料夾啦..
不過Seal 沒空去找出來,這樣比較快啦!

Snow Leopard 下,MAIL 寄的信、回覆的信出現亂碼怎麼辦? Changing Apple Mail default encoding from unicode to Big5

這兩天Seal 在處理公司的信件時,發現一件事情
只要寄給Seal 的信使用BIG5 編碼,Seal 在回信之後


1. 把Mail 完整關掉
2. 打開終端機 Terminal
3. 輸入 defaults write com.apple.mail NSPreferredMailCharset "BIG5"
4. 按Enter (應該不會出現什麼訊息)
5. 再把Mail 打開來試試看,應該就可以囉

這樣的動作是要把Mail 預設寄信的語系編碼改成使用Big5 大五正體中文碼寄出
就可以解決囉... 通常是Mac 所使用的Unicode 對於很多家的信箱來說,太過先進的關係吧

