
拿到Aspire One 後你該做什麼呢? (美國朋友ONLY!!)

先恭喜買了Aspire One 的朋友..這真的是台好機器..
在大陸聯想 Lenovo 繼收購IBM Thinkpad 電腦部門之後...
現在又要把德國西門子的電腦部門給買起來... 新聞請看這邊
西門子的電腦部門其實跟日商富士通是合伙.. 如果你人在歐洲就可以買到Fuji-Siemens 的電腦喔!
很多款都還滿好看滿帥的... 聯想這一步就是為了要跟我們台灣的宏基 Acer 對打啊...
宏基在歐洲市場的市占率可是第一呀!!! 等這個收購完成後.. 我們的宏基就危險了!!!

所以Seal 誠心的推荐這台Aspire One.. 雖然大部份Acer 電腦因為Cost Down 的關係..
相信很多人都看過因為機子太熱而掛掉的Acer 筆電... 但是其實你也不能怪他....
Made in China.. 再加上Acer 的電腦真的很便宜.. 一分錢一分貨呀...

不過這台Aspire One 用的是Intel 的Atom 處理器.. 作業溫度可以達到98 度西...
Seal 試過把風扇關掉... 強制跑全速 1.6 GHZ 的速度.. 溫度最高到72 度...
再加上我也已經拆過這台機子... 裡面的用料不差... 各位朋友可以放心購入...

再來是售價的部份.. 相信最近買菜愛亂逛的朋友.. 應該都有在Walmart, Meijer 看到他的蹤影.
Seal 本身也是在Walmart 購入的.. 這個價錢沒有便宜.. 但是也沒有貴到...
這兩間超市所販售的售價都是 USD $349.. 配備是120GB 的硬碟.. 加上 3 cell 的小電池..
小電池目前Seal 玩起來是剛好兩個小時把電用完...
預算有限的朋友可以等等看Meijer 每季都會有的15~20% off coupone... 買起來就會便宜多了..
這兩間所販售的顏色只有藍色與白色... Walmart 的網站上則另有開賣.. 粉紅色, 黑色, 與咖啡色..

再來就是預算稍微比較寬裕的朋友.. Seal 推荐妳買Amazon 上的 USD $ 399 版本..
差別在哪裡呢? 多花五十圓.. 你的Aspire One 會升級到160GB 的硬碟..
電池也提升到6 Cell 的大電池.. 網路上的討論是說.. 開無線網路.. 大概可以用5~6 小時..
從亞馬馬書店買的話.. 免稅免運費..

講了這麼多的廢話... 還是回到正題...
拿到這台漂亮的小電腦後.. 你該做什麼呢?

1. 先檢查螢幕有沒有壞點.. 有沒有死點.. 組裝有沒有瑕疵... 美國的退貨機制超棒...

2. 努力操這台電腦操的兩三天... 有事就用內建的還原 recover 回去就好了...
一樣.. 有問題就趕快拿回去換叭... 不喜歡這台電腦也拿回去退叭... 感覺對不對很重要...

3. 打電話給美國宏基要還原光碟.. 不用錢喔!!!

a. 拿起你的電話.. 撥這個號碼 866-695-2237
b. 請直接轉到Aspire One 專用分機.. 電話裡會提到.. 請仔細聽.. 可以加快處理速度喔..
c. 接通後請問客服要怎麼樣把Recovery 燒出來..
Aspire One 內建的還原軟體並不提供這個功能.. 客服可能會呆住或是他或直接說要寄一份給你.
如果他呆住的話.. 請直接問他能不能索取Recovery Disk...
如果還是不行的話.. 下面會給更狠的範例...
d. 態度很好的客服會幫你註冊你的Aspire One... 購買日期自己編一個叭!! 因為保固從那天開始算喔!
e. 等個兩三天.. 服務超好的Acer 會用Fedex Express 免費幫妳寄到...
最上面的圖片就是我收到的Recovery Disk 喔!!

如果你在上面跟客服講話的時候卡住.. 這裡有很奧客的美國人寫的吵架公式

1. On every Acer computer I've ever purchased, with the exception of this one, there has always been a way to create your backup disks and/or physical
recovery disks included. The linux version of the aspire one allows for external recovery, so why is the windows XP version different. I made sure to
state this to Acer's support crew.

2. I had sent an email first, but received a reply that they would only support me via telephone.

3. I called the number given to me and a man answered who within a few minutes determined he couldn't help me and gave me another number to call,
saying that all Aspire One customers had to call this other number instead. Fair enough, but then why didn't Acer's email give me this number to start out
with? Somebody at Acer should be fired for wasting customers' time.

4. I called the new number, which is: 866-695-2237

5. I explain the problem to the lady, that my Acer Aspire One included no physical recovery disk and that the ERecovery option for creating one
was not available. It allowed a restore, but no recovery.

6. At this point, the Acer lady tells me the recovery is "on the disk", accessible by pressing ALT...etc. I tried to tell her that I wasn't referring to that
kind of a recovery, but rather how to create a recovery disk set. She seemed to refuse to understand the issue and kept reiterating the same tired
story about how to recover the system.

7. Remaining calm (but feeling exasperated) I said "I don't need to know how to recover the system but rather how to backup the hidden recovery partition
and Master Boot Record." She had no clue what I was talking about and transferred me to another support person.

8. The new support lady did the same thing, telling me "the recovery disk IS the hard drive, you already have it, just press these keys at boot time...."

9. I then say that if the partition or MBR gets wiped by a virus, or there's a physical breakdown of the HDD, or I want to replace the HDD with a different
one (within my rights!) I will have no way to get back the software I paid for. That's why I need to know how to backup my hidden partition and MBR to
create an external physical recovery set.

10. The support person says "the Aspire One doesn't have a built-in CD drive, that's why we include recovery on the HDD." Hmmmm, clearly Acer here is
trying to avoid the issue, or all of their reps are incredibly ignorant!

11. I stated that external drives can be hooked up, and I have one connected as we speak so that you can tell me how to use ERecovery to create
a separate, external backup recovery set on optical disks.

12. At this point....silence! The lady doesn't say anything. After a few seconds of worrying that she hung up, she goes on explaining "but you have
a recovery set, it's on the hard drive."

13. Refusing to accept Acer bullshit, I said "It's clear to me you don't know how to backup the recovery set that's on the HDD, to put it in a safe place.
Can I please speak to someone who does?"

14. I'm transferred yet again. The new person takes my serial number and then says "a recovery set on CD is shipped with that computer, you should
already have it." I replied there wasn't one and that the user manual package contents don't list it. Acer then insists that there is one. I ask if maybe
they are confusing it with the linux version because there are hundreds of reports on the internet that the win XP version doesn't come with the recovery
set. The rep. tells me that yes, even the win xp version is shipped with the recovery set!

15. I ask to speak to a manager at this point, saying that clearly this issue is now BEYOND TECHNICAL SUPPORT because if hundreds of people aren't getting
a recovery set and Acer now claims every Aspire One is shipped with it, then there is a need to talk to a manager.

16. The rep. puts me on hold, comes back after a minute, then simply asks me to write down a confirmation number and tell her my shipping address
so that she can "verify it".

17. After doing so, she simply says "we will be shipping you a recovery disk set since you apparently didn't receive one with your computer the way
you should have. We will be shipping it to you even though the warranty support period has expired.

18. What the fuck? The warranty support period expired? Impossible, I just bought the computer and registered it! But I didn't bother telling the rep.
that, knowing that if I ever needed warranty support I've got the original bill of sale and registration information to fight any bullshit. I was just
glad they decided to mysteriously ship me a recovery set instead of letting me talk to a manager.

如何? 希望有幫到跟客服溝通不良的朋友.. Seal 只花了15 分鐘就講完了... 服務真的很好!!
最近很多人都在要這個.. 我相信大部份的Acer 客服應該都有經驗了.. 應該不會太難...

希望這篇有幫助大家更加深入的了解Aspire One...
有問題也歡迎PO 上來問我...
我目前已經在Aspire One 上面玩過 Windows XP, Windows 7, Mac OS X...
每一套跑起來都滿順的... 如果妳想要弄台電腦來玩蘋果的系統.. 這台電腦也不錯喔!!

