基本上.. 大部份的Aspire One 應該都是配這張無線網卡..
MacBook 大部份都是配Broadcom 的網路卡... 所以如果你找到一張Broadcom 的網卡..
換上去... 就可以無痛使用Air Port..
但是依照我們改機的精神.. 原廠配備的無線網路卡能夠用當然是最好的...
網路上已經有神人把這張Atheros 的無線網卡搞定了... Seal 已經換上別張網卡了...
所以也就沒有機會試試.. 但是幫不熟英文的朋友翻譯一下步驟... 希望成功的朋友能夠分享一下...
出處一樣是我的聖經網站.. InsanelyMac.com
有興趣的朋友~ 自己去逛看看叭...
------------------------- 開始了呦!! -------------------------
First, make sure the card is on in another OS and restart. Those of you hoping to not have to dual boot are out of luck right now.
首先,如果你有Windows 或是Linux 在電腦裡的話,請先使用那些系統來確認你的無線網路卡是通電、可以正常使用的。沒有雙系統的朋友,趕快拜天公伯吧!
1. Starting from 10.5.5 and a vanilla kernel.
1. 打開你的OS X 10.5.5
2. Download and install the Airport Update 2008-004. Reboot.
2. 點一下你的小蘋果,使用系統更新來下載 Airport Update 2008-004 這個更新,然後重開機。
3. Download and install the IO8211Family.kext at the beginning of this thread with Kexthelper unless you feel like doing all of the permission repairs and stuff.
3. 從這裡下載IO8211Family.kext,並使用Kexthelper 來安裝(如果你不想搞亂檔案權限的話)
4. Download and install Kismac trunk r319.
4. 到網路上找到 Kismac trunk r319 並安裝。
5. Reboot. You have a 40% chance of getting a boot without a kernel panic. Just retry, it will eventually reboot fine.
5. 重開機。現在你有60% 的機會 會開不了機。不要緊張,再多試幾次一定OK 的。
6. Open Kismac before you do anything. Go to prefererences and find the tab for drivers. Add the Airport Extreme Passive mode one. Active mode does not work. Exit that menu and then click start scan. You will start to see networks. Once you see networks quit Kismac.
6. 在你做任何事情之前請先打開剛剛安裝的 Kismac。打開系統偏好設定... 這段我不清楚.. 要裝過才知道.. 你可能要自己試試.. 大意是安裝Driver.. Airport 就會啟用... 然後就可以把Kismac 關掉了..
7. Now go the airport icon in the top bar and click on Join Other Network. (if the icon is not there you need to go to network preferences and enable the icon.) Then click on show networks. Your network will come up. Click on it, click join and then it will ask you for your network password. Enter that and then it will connect to your network and be stable. You will have to set up a network in the networking preference panel for the airport card just like normal.
7. 點一下Airpot 的圖示來加入網路 (如果沒有 Airport 的圖示的話.. 去系統偏好設定裡自己打開叭) 用法就跟一般用Airport 一樣啦.. 簡單.. 應該不用多講叭?
When you restart you will sometimes get a kernel error. Just try again. When you restart you will only have to do steps 6 and 7 and will not have to reenter you network password if you put it in your keychain when prompted.
有時候重開機的時候.. 可能會發生錯誤開不了機.. 跟上面說的樣.. 多試幾次就可以了... 但是你可能要重做步驟6和7.. 無線網路金鑰的部份到是可以放心.. 會記在Keychain 裡... 如果你有選的話...
------------------------- 結束了耶!! -------------------------
這樣看起來.. 似乎還不是很完美的解決方案..
把網卡換掉還是比較方便的.. 也可以順便升級到Draft N 呀!!
08/12/11 新增....
Acer Aspire One User 有更完整的方法~ 大家參考參考~
You'll need:
- File from step 1.
- Kismac Trunk r139
- KextHelper
As preparation, install 2008004 AirPort Update from Apple.
Adapted to AA1 from oldmaclover's guide.
I did this on a 10.5.5 Install with the update, tested and working.
1. Download the required file from http://rapidshare.com/files/170327300/I ... t.zip.html
2. Open KextHelper, and drag the IO... file there, write your password and install it
3. Close KextHelper
4. Drag Kismac to your Applications folder
5. Reboot
5.1 When your computer is on again, you should see the Airport Icon in Finder, if not, go to step a1, if yes continue
5.2 AirPort Icon should be filled with gray bars, if yes continue, if not go to a2
6. As soon as your Computer turns on, open Kismac from your Applications folder
一開機就請把Kismac 打開...
7. Click on Kismac, Preferences, Driver, and Add AirPort Extreme Passive Mode
點選Kismac, 然後Preferences, Drivers....
再點選Add AirPort Extreme Passive Mode
8. Close preferences
把preferences 頁面關掉
9. Click on Start Scan, if everything went fine, networks should get listed, if yes continue, if not go to a3.
點選Start Scan 開始掃瞄無線網路.. 如果步驟都正確的話.. 附近的無線網路應該會被列上來...
10. Close Kismac, and now click on the AirPort icon in Finder.
把Kismac 關掉.. 點選Finder 上的AirPort 圖示
11. Vuala! Networks should be listed now! Just Click on one and connect as normal
網路應該可以正常使用了... 恭喜~
If not
a1. The AirPort Icon is not in Finder.
If the logo is not there, you can enable it by openning System Preferences, Network, Click AirPort, check Show AirPort status...
This should make the logo appear, if yes, you can continue to step 5.2
a2. AirPort Icon is not filled with gray bars, it is just a plain logo *nothing inside.
End, something is wrong with you AppleACPIPlatform.kext, I recommend to extract it from iAtkos 4i and try again.
a3. If no networks get listed, then reboot and try again, if not, turn off and then turn on and try again.
If it is still not working, boot into windows, use it for a minute, and **reboot into Mac and that should work.
If still not, go to a2.