科技新聞大站 Engadget 出現了這樣的一篇新聞
Engadget - Amazon Kindle slimming down in August?
Color might still be out of the question -- both now and far into the future -- but Amazon seems fit to take out some of the Kindle's fat. Bloomberg has it on word that the company will debut a thinner version of its e-book reader in August, and the new workout regiment will also enhance its screen sharpness and responsiveness. No word on if this'll apply to current models or be an entirely different variant, but in addition to no color, we do hear it lacks a touch screen. Bummer, but if the price is right, we'll bite.
大概是說,彩色的Kindle 電子書閱讀器並不會在短期內出現
但是Amazon 亞馬遜似乎決定要先幫現有的Kindle 產品減肥一下
Bloomberg 這個網站指出,Amazon 現在正在準備一款更輕薄的電子書產品預定要在今年八月發表。
新的Eink 電子書的螢幕將會更漂亮,而且換頁的反應速度也將獲得改善。
不過,他們並沒有提到是不是現有6吋及DX 都會改款,但是有表示應該還是不會把觸控給放進去。
喔喔,今年電子書的市場應該會很火熱!!加油呀!Amazon Kindle!