有朋友問說,AirPort 可不可以支援一台以上的印表機? 其實要看你是用哪一台AirPort 呢..
Seal 從Apple 的網站上挖來每一台AirPort USB 部分的對照表,有興趣的朋友看看叭!
Uses for the USB port of Time Capsule, AirPort Extreme, AirPort Express
這篇居然沒有中文的翻譯啦,真是給他有夠鳥的,Seal 還是照慣例來亂翻譯一下:
Summary 這篇文章在講啥勒?
The USB port on a Time Capsule, AirPort Extreme Base Station, or AirPort Express is only intended for the uses described here. It is not intended for use with other USB devices, such as broadband modems, speakers, or keyboards.
關於Time Capsule, AirPort Extreme 基地臺,或是 AirPort Express 只可以使用本文所提到的USB 裝置喔!別的USB 裝置像數據機(可能是USB 網卡、3G 網卡之類的叭)、喇叭、或鍵盤均無法使用。
Time Capsule
* Single self-powered USB hard disk (with support for Time Machine backups)
一台有插電的USB 硬碟(可以拿來做Time Machine 備份喔!超好用的)
* Single USB printer directly into the USB port, or several printers connected to the base station via a powered USB hub
一台USB 印表機,如果您要插超過一台的話請使用有獨立供電的USB HUB。
* Using a powered USB hub you may connect several hard disks and/or printers
當您插上支持獨立供電之USB HUB 便可使用複數之外接硬碟或是印表機。
AirPort Extreme Base Station with 802.11g, AirPort Extreme Base Station (PoE/UL 2043)
這一區就是沒有802.11n 的舊款AirPort Extreme 啦
* Single USB printer
一台USB 印表機
AirPort Express Base Station 802.11g
可以聽音樂的可愛小豆腐,AirPort Express 802.11g 版
* Single USB printer directly into the USB port
一台印表機直接插到機身上的USB 槽
* Additionally, with AirPort Express firmware 6.1 or later, you may use the Keyspan Express Remote. If you want to use the remote and a printer at the same time, it's OK to use a powered USB hub to make that possible.
當您的AirPort Express 使用軔體6.1 或是更高的版本,您將可以使用Ksyspan Express Remote(這好像是搖控器?)。想跟印表機一起使用嗎?插上有獨立供電的USB HUB 叭!
AirPort Extreme Base Station 802.11n with Fast/Gigagbit Ethernet
AirPort Extreme 802.11n 基地臺內含Gigabit 網路孔喔!
* Single self-powered USB hard disk
一台有插電的USB 硬碟。
* Single powered USB printer directly into the USB port, or several printers connected to the base station via a powered USB hub
一台USB 印表機,如果您要插超過一台的話請使用有獨立供電的USB HUB。
* Using a powered USB hub you may connect several hard disks and/or printers
當您插上支持獨立供電之USB HUB 便可使用複數之外接硬碟或是印表機。
AirPort Express Base Station with 802.11n
有802.11n 的小豆腐啦!AirPort Express
* Single powered USB printer directly into the USB port, or several printers to the base station via a powered USB hub
一台印表機直接插到機身上的USB 槽
* Additionally, with AirPort Express firmware 6.1 or later, you may use the Keyspan Express Remote. If you want to use the remote and a printer at the same time, it's OK to use a powered USB hub to make that possible.
當您的AirPort Express 使用軔體6.1 或是更高的版本,您將可以使用Ksyspan Express Remote(這好像是搖控器?)。想跟印表機一起使用嗎?插上有獨立供電的USB HUB 叭!
文章比較重點的部份大概就是這樣,還有問題的話留言給Seal 叭!