
Seal 訂的Michelle Branch - Everything Comes and Goes Six Pak 單曲CD 賣太好了嗎?居然延後出貨!

今天收到來自華納線上購物的一封信... 信裡面寫著...

Regarding Order #xxxxxxx placed on 07/26/2010

Dear Seal,
Thank you for your recent order. The items listed below have not shipped and are currently on back order:

天呀,Seal 是在26號當天一公布說開賣這張Everything Comes and Goes Six Pak 單曲CD 就直接下訂了說
這樣也會被丟到back order?? 有沒有天理呀??還是說原本華納打算幫Michelle Branch 賣的量本來就不多呀?


We expect to ship within the next thirty (30) days. It is quite possible that we could ship earlier.

30 天內會出貨給Seal.. 唉,有的等囉...

雖然Seal 已經在網路上找到這張專輯來試聽了
可是老實說,Michelle Branch 真的已經完完整整轉型成Country 鄉村類型的歌手啦~
整張聽起來超鄉村的... Seal 很喜歡的Crazy Ride 也沒有之前現場聽的好聽,不曉得為什麼感覺假假的...

Crazy Ride 還是要聽不插電的版本才會好聽啦!Michelle Branch 快點來台灣開演唱會啦!!!

